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The Baja Road conditions as reported by our BajaInsider Readers


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Baja Transpenisular Hwy1 CAUTION

This report just in from a concerned reader of ours who just drove down the Baja Highway to just southof La Paz. He has very strong caution for those with extra wide trailers..

URGENT WARNING for wide trailers… I just arrived LaVentana 10/26 via Highway 1. I hauled my wide trailer. Wider than a full size pick up truck. If your boat trailer, trailer, or vehicle is extra wide I would not drive it down south right now.

Where they are doing the new construction and really widening the road an hour north of cativina it is not safe to go southbound there with a wide trailer. They have the road torn up and two full size vehicles can not pass opposite directions at the same time in 3-4 different stretches. It is broken into the road enough that if you meet a bus or semi you just lost your vehicles and possibly life. I made it by going 5 mph and stopping. So it is the ultimate roulette. Not worth it….

I would not allow any friend to drive a wide vehicle/trailer on this stretch what so ever… cars and trucks are absolutely fine, just some white knuckles, as a stretch of a quarter mile there was a 3-5 foot sheer dropoff as they removed the road to the west side completely. I do not know if it was just the weekend or what but it was a Saturday and there was no work being done on this section. I highly recommend people post updates to this construction progress for travelers with wide trailers safety… Other than that only one issue just south of lorretto in the mountains a part of the road missing, but was well marked when I went by. Two large vehicles can not fit there either, but jut one spot. Dean



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