Tecate, Baja California and South road report
Also be sure you have the proper auto insurance. You may click here to purchase online and here is the following report from Earl Smith:
This road report will update the one from October 19 for those of us who prefer to cross at Tecate. On Nov.14 we made the run from Yuma to Rancho Sordo Mudo in one day without incident . The RV park was empty.
South of Guadeloupe we encountered the same road construction starting near Chivato and lasting all the way to El Sauzal. There was no problem and only one delay. However there is one curving stretch down a slightly steep hill that could present a problem for folks travelling north especially in a large RV.
The RV park at El Pabellon was empty.
The bridge construction reported at km40 south of El Pabellon is proceeding and there were still no problems getting around the detour.
Just pass this point however the road starts up the steep winding hill to the Mesa El Rosario and topping out at the military check point..
This is torn up and has a gravel surface. Because we had to slow for the construction, gravel and steep curves we had to drop into first gear
to get over. Our V10 almost didn't make it. Our friends had to go
into four wheel drive.
From there the road was alternately the same as always or resurfaced and widened in stretches. The gas pump at the Catavina Desert Inn is still not used. Only one other rig at Rancho Santa Inez The highway is as described in the previous article all the way to Guerrero Negro where we have had to stop to have the engine repaired
Earl Smith experienced Baja Driver
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