May 10th Road report
Gas is only a problem if you are heading south and plan to go to Baha Los Angeles,no gas there but there is a guy selling at the turn off for 30 pesos a gallon which is not bad really.
Going over the border northbound, to Tecate through the Ruta de Vino was the way to go,(but mums the word (Insider information)) The signs coming into Tecate say USA stight ahead but when you get there you find you have to go up and around to the right to get on the right side of the homeland security barriers and then run parallel with border fence heading west and thro the massive gates. We had four cars in front of us, to cross the border, nice.”
That’s it. Not much to talk about but as Hurricane season is now upon us we hope that any last minute repairs and bridges are up before the real rains could come. Stay tuned for more updates as the road conditions change into the rainy season. Let us if you have any other Baja road reports you would like to add we would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks from and